My name is Beth Ann Bielik. I am currently a missionary doing work as the Executive Assistant to the National Director of the Message Trust South Africa. I began this journey a little over a year ago, and if you don't mind I would like to share a little about that with you now.
The beautiful thing about being God's children is we were born with a purpose. As of late, I have been really digging into what that means in my life. Two years ago, if you would have told me I was moving to South Africa, I would have laughed in your face and told you "you're crazy!" However, now I cannot imagine being anywhere else.
When looking back I lived a very self centered and consumeristic lifestyle. I cared and loved people, but how I showed it was not one of love and kindness. I had this pre-conceived notion that people did not want to hang out with me just to be with me. This caused me to make poor decisions and hurt many relationships I had. Now after all that, he is asking me to reach out to the same people I have hurt to now provide for me in a way that I have shown no trust in? The answer is yes. I am in a season of life where God is calling me to ask for forgiveness and receive grace. However, not only that but also that my life will begin to revolve more and more around others and not myself.
When going to South Africa for the first time, I was consumed with anxiety and fear of the unknown. God was so patient with me this past year and allowed me the time to take what I would call baby steps into this calling and purpose He has set forth for my life. I can 100% say that I belong in South Africa and I am called to serve and unify his kingdom. My role moving forward is to not just walk in faith, but trust in the individuals God has placed in my life to help walk this path of faith with me.
I know that I am not perfect and that I will still make mistakes, but I can stand before you now and say that I am trying. I am trying to walk a path for Jesus. I am trying to right my wrongs. And I am trying to not let the unknown and the known deter me from my purpose.
I love you all and am asking for support, whether that be through prayer, giving financially or just relationally. I appreciate everyone and I am excited to begin this journey full time and take that final giant leap. I can't do this without you guys and am now asking if you will begin, if you haven't already, to walk to South Africa.